Entries by alfred@bright.partners

That’s Entertainment

It is a well known fact that the entertainment industry has a lot of gay ‘participants’, either closeted or openly gay: writers such as Noël Coward, Truman Capote, Harvey Fierstein, movie directors like John Waters, James Ivory, Pedro Almodóvar, Derek Jarman, Gus van Sant, Rosa von Praunheim, artists like Liberace, Elton John, Melissa Manchester, George […]

Travel and Hospitality

As the global visibility of the LGBT community grew over the past 4 decades, there has been steady increase in interest in this demographic as a consumer group, a trend which is particularly evident in the travel industry. Are gay people interesting ‘guests’? Yes – they take longer trips and at a greater frequency, spend more […]


Each year during LGBT Pride month (June) or around Pride festivals around the world, many companies start flying the 6-colored rainbow flag to join us in the celebrations. Not just the mom & pop (or mom & mom) stores in the downtown districts, but also larger companies and even international corporations gayly participate (pun intended). […]